

Special thanks to ycc.h for the translation

留方 (Proof of Quilt) 是一款規則簡單且富有挑戰性的解謎遊戲。

規則很簡單: 留方在四邊形網格中進行。網格中包含黑與白單元格。
- 放置的三角形皆為將一單元格切為對角黑白兩半的直角三角形。
- 只可在白單元格中放置三角形。
- 黑單元格中的數字表示四周相連的三角形個數,僅限垂直及水平方向。
- 留白的四邊形可以是擺正的,抑或是傾斜45度的。





Q. What am I supposed to do? :)
Note - there are only perfect rectangular (or square) white shapes in the solution.
Q. What are these numbers for?
A. Each number indicates exactly how many triangles should be drawn around it. Black cells which do not have numbers inside can be surrounded by any number of triangles.
Q. What is not allowed?
A. These are all cases where it will be impossible to form a rectangular white shape.
Q. Where do I start?

Think logical. As an example take a look at this puzzle:

Note the 3 on the bottom edge - it only has 3 cells around it so all of them should contain a triangle. 2 of those triangles can be placed in only one way. 
You can also mark with dots the cells which don't contain a triangle for sure - in this case on the sides of the 0.

When you place a triangle you can be sure that it is a part of an edge of a rectangle. It can either continue in the same direction or turn at 90°. A simple way of thinking is that if the edge bounces when it hits an obstacle:

Note the 0 and the cells which we already marked as white. The only way to place a triangle between them is this:

Each edge of a rectengle should have an opposite one like this:

In time you will discover your own patterns and strategies which makes solving shakashaka fun.



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2025-03-31 21:05:36
